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Did you know that you were created with a plan and a purpose for your life? There is so much inside of you and God is wanting to pull it all out. In Psalms 139 King David wrote about the intimacy in how deeply God knew him. The truth is God knows everything about you as well and HE wants to reveal the TRUE YOU, the one he created.

In the discovery of B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. we will begin the odyssey of reclaiming your identity through Jesus Christ and claiming your rightful place in the Kingdom as it says in the book of 2 Corinthians, "Now if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new person. All that is related to the old order has vanished. Behold, everything is fresh and new." 2 Corinthians 5:17

We will begin our little adventure in bringing to light the revelation of who Jesus is and why he came to earth. The questions you always wanted to ask in church but were afraid to say a word. This will be a safe place where no question is silly and learning about the nature of Light of the World is our goal. As the unraveling of our Redeemer begins the roles of the Holy Spirit as our teacher will begin to move us into a deeper understanding of the Father's Heart for you.

Each month will be deep dive into the word of God leading you into the importance of the scripture and spending time knowing His word. As the word becomes alive in you a metamorphosis begins changing you from a servant into a son. The importance of knowing you are a child of God does something to your walk. You will slowly unlock all of the gifting placed inside you. An internal shifting of the old thought patterns begins breaking through to a new way of living.
You will be FREE of the old you and fully embrace the beautifully designed image of what God always wanted you to be.

The topics we will go through month after month will help you to be secure in how to live your life in a way that is B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.

The classes will be on the first Monday of every month. If for some reason the dates need to be modified due to travel each participant will be notified the month prior. All monies are NON-Refundable so if you are hesitant I would suggest monthly.

As I stated this is a SAFE PLACE to learn and grow BULLYING IS NOT PERMITTED AND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. One warning will be given and if it persists you will be locked out.

Registration is for 12 months
$30.00 per month plus banking fees
$300 per year (this is discounted with 2 free months)

For more information or to make your reservations, email 

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