sept 03
Kristina Hurley
There is a path that leads to freedom—a place where the wounds and hurts of this life are released. The pain and regrets of the past are in a distant memory as if it didn't happen. The only question is are you willing to walk that path to freedom?
My guest is Kristina Hurley and in her new book, “This Way To Freedom” she shares the road she had to walk through to finally get the freedom Jesus died for. We will share how important forgiving and letting go of the past just allows God to open up a life filled with freedom.
AUG 13
The Lord is thrusting a great army of harvesters into this huge end-time harvest, eclipsing old methods of disciple-making with effective ones. With new heavenly levels of authority and with everyone’s involvement, this global disciple-making movement will be unprecedented. My guest Roger Lehman is founder of City Streams Network (, a ministry dedicated to promoting intercession, healing, and marketplace and house church ministries. After serving for many decades church planting and pastoring, Roger is passionate about mobilizing the body of Christ to make disciples in the context of interactive ministries. His teaching and training often carry the themes of healing, prophecy, and intimacy with God with an objective to raise up confident believers for the army of God. Join us as we discuss his latest book “Disciple Maker: Accelerating Christ's Commission to Transform Nations”
aug 06
In 1 Corinthians 14, Apostle Paul encourages the followers of Christ to desire spiritual gifts from the Holy Spirit. One specific gift he mentions is the gift of prophecy. However, this gift and the role of a prophet are often misunderstood.
Today, I am joined by two individuals who are proficient in operating in the prophetic. My guest is Frank Centonze from @saturatethenations427 and with him is Jonathan Mitchell @jonathanwmitchell who has a strong understanding of the Father’s heart and ministers the word of knowledge effectively.
During this broadcast, we will discuss and address your questions about the prophetic, so that you can also grow in your spiritual connection with God!
july 23
kimberly stevens
When we feel like giving up because everyone and everything is against us, real hope makes the difference between living and dying. Discovering this kind of real hope is only found in one place the altar of God.
At the altar, questions are answered, hope is reborn, and lives are changed so we will never give up, no matter what comes our way.
My guest is Kimberly Stevens has dealt with tragedies and heartbreak and shares how she got through it. In her new book “Altar’d” and her podcast “Alter’d Moments” Kimberly encourages others that with God, Grit, and Gratitude we can endure even the toughest storms.
Wm. PAul Young
Resistance Chicks are two sisters who share a passion for self-sufficiency and spreading the truth about current events. They operate a suburban farm and homestead in southern Ohio. Leah and Michelle Svensson have become passionate advocates for truth and self-sufficiency, through their farm, online presence, and news commentary program. Their message resonates with people globally who seek a better future for themselves and their families.